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File: htdocs/include/formdhtmltextarea.js

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File: htdocs/include/formdhtmltextarea.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Xoops 2.5
Modular content management publication system
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 15,393 bytes


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function xoopsCodeUrl(id, enterUrlPhrase, enterWebsitePhrase) { if (enterUrlPhrase == null) { enterUrlPhrase = "Enter the URL of the link you want to add:"; } var text = prompt(enterUrlPhrase, ""); var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if (text != null && text != "") { var selection = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (selection.length > 0) { var text2 = selection; } else { var text2 = prompt(enterWebsitePhrase, ""); } if (text2 != null) { if (text2 == "") { var result = "[url=" + text + "]" + text + "[/url]"; } else { var pos = text2.indexOf(unescape('%00')); if (0 < pos) { text2 = text2.substr(0, pos); } var result = "[url=" + text + "]" + text2 + "[/url]"; } xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeImg(id, enterImgUrlPhrase, enterImgPosPhrase, imgPosRorLPhrase, errorImgPosPhrase, enterImgWidthPhrase) { if (enterImgUrlPhrase == null) { enterImgUrlPhrase = "Enter the URL of the image you want to add:"; } var selection = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (selection.length > 0) { var text = selection; } else { var text = prompt(enterImgUrlPhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if (text != null && text != "") { if (enterImgPosPhrase == null) { enterImgPosPhrase = "Now, enter the position of the image."; } if (imgPosRorLPhrase == null) { imgPosRorLPhrase = "'R' or 'r' for right, 'L' or 'l' for left, or leave it blank."; } if (errorImgPosPhrase == null) { errorImgPosPhrase = "ERROR! Enter the position of the image:"; } var text2 = prompt(enterImgPosPhrase + "\n" + imgPosRorLPhrase, ""); while (( text2 != "" ) && ( text2 != "r" ) && ( text2 != "R" ) && ( text2 != "l" ) && ( text2 != "L" ) && ( text2 != null )) { text2 = prompt(errorImgPosPhrase + "\n" + imgPosRorLPhrase, ""); } if (text2 == "l" || text2 == "L") { text2 = " align=left"; } else if (text2 == "r" || text2 == "R") { text2 = " align=right"; } else { text2 = ""; } var text3 = prompt(enterImgWidthPhrase, "300"); if (text3.length > 0) { text3 = " width=" + text3; } else { text3 = ""; } var result = "[img" + text2 + text3 + "]" + text + "[/img]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeEmail(id, enterEmailPhrase) { if (enterEmailPhrase == null) { enterEmailPhrase = "Enter the email address you want to add:"; } var selection = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (selection.length > 0) { var text = selection; } else { var text = prompt(enterEmailPhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if (text != null && text != "") { var result = "[email]" + text + "[/email]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeQuote(id, enterQuotePhrase) { if (enterQuotePhrase == null) { enterQuotePhrase = "Enter the text that you want to be quoted:"; } var selection = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (selection.length > 0) { var text = selection; } else { var text = prompt(enterQuotePhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if (text != null && text != "") { var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00')); if (0 < pos) { text = text.substr(0, pos); } var result = "[quote]" + text + "[/quote]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeCode(id, enterCodePhrase) { if (enterCodePhrase == null) { enterCodePhrase = "Enter the codes that you want to add."; } var selection = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (selection.length > 0) { var text = selection; } else { var text = prompt(enterCodePhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if (text != null && text != "") { var result = "[code]" + text + "[/code]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeText(id, hiddentext, enterTextboxPhrase) { var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(id); var textDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Addtext"); var fontDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Font"); var colorDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Color"); var sizeDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Size"); var xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle = xoopsGetElementById(hiddentext).style; var selection = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (selection.length > 0) { var textDomValue = selection; } else { var textDomValue = textDom.value; } var fontDomValue = fontDom.options[fontDom.options.selectedIndex].value; var colorDomValue = colorDom.options[colorDom.options.selectedIndex].value; var sizeDomValue = sizeDom.options[sizeDom.options.selectedIndex].value; if (textDomValue == "") { if (enterTextboxPhrase == null) { enterTextboxPhrase = "Please input text into the textbox."; } alert(enterTextboxPhrase); textDom.focus(); } else { if (fontDomValue != "FONT") { textDomValue = "[font=" + fontDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/font]"; fontDom.options[0].selected = true; } if (colorDomValue != "COLOR") { textDomValue = "[color=" + colorDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/color]"; colorDom.options[0].selected = true; } if (sizeDomValue != "SIZE") { textDomValue = "[size=" + sizeDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/size]"; sizeDom.options[0].selected = true; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight == "bold" || xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight == "700") { textDomValue = "[b]" + textDomValue + "[/b]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight = "normal"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontStyle == "italic") { textDomValue = "[i]" + textDomValue + "[/i]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontStyle = "normal"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration == "underline") { textDomValue = "[u]" + textDomValue + "[/u]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration == "line-through") { textDomValue = "[d]" + textDomValue + "[/d]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textalign == "center") { textDomValue = "[center]" + textDomValue + "[/center]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textalign = "none"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textalign == "left") { textDomValue = "[left]" + textDomValue + "[/left]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textalign = "none"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textalign == "right") { textDomValue = "[right]" + textDomValue + "[/right]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textalign = "none"; } xoopsInsertText(textareaDom, textDomValue); textDom.value = ""; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.color = "#000000"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontFamily = ""; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontSize = "12px"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.visibility = "hidden"; textareaDom.focus(); } } function xoopsGetSelect(id) { if (window.getSelection) { ele = document.getElementById(id); var selection = ele.value.substring( ele.selectionStart, ele.selectionEnd ); } else if (document.getSelection) { var selection = document.getSelection(); } else if (document.selection) { var selection = document.selection.createRange().text; } else { var selection = null; } return selection; } function xoopsSetElementAttribute(key, val, id, eid) { var text = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (text.length <= 0) { setVisible("xoopsHiddenText"); eval("setElement" + key.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + key.substr(1, key.length) + "(eid, val)"); return; } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); xoopsInsertText(domobj, "[" + key + "=" + val + "]" + text + "[/" + key + "]"); domobj.focus(); } function makeBold(id) { var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.fontWeight != "bold" && eleStyle.fontWeight != "700") { eleStyle.fontWeight = "bold"; } else { eleStyle.fontWeight = "normal"; } } function makeItalic(id) { var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.fontStyle != "italic") { eleStyle.fontStyle = "italic"; } else { eleStyle.fontStyle = "normal"; } } function makeUnderline(id) { var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.textDecoration != "underline") { eleStyle.textDecoration = "underline"; } else { eleStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } } function makeLineThrough(id) { var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.textDecoration != "line-through") { eleStyle.textDecoration = "line-through"; } else { eleStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } } function xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, val, func) { var text = xoopsGetSelect(id); if (text.length <= 0 && func.length > 0 && eid.length > 0) { setVisible(eid); eval(func + "(eid)"); return; } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); xoopsInsertText(domobj, "[" + val + "]" + text + "[/" + val + "]"); domobj.focus(); } function xoopsMakeBold(eid, id) { xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, "b", "makeBold"); } function xoopsMakeItalic(eid, id) { xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, "i", "makeItalic"); } function xoopsMakeUnderline(eid, id) { xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, "u", "makeUnderline"); } function xoopsMakeLineThrough(eid, id) { xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, "d", "makeLineThrough"); } function xoopsMakeCenter(eid, id) { xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, "center", ""); } function xoopsMakeLeft(eid, id) { xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, "left", ""); } function xoopsMakeRight(eid, id) { xoopsMakeStyle(id, eid, "right", ""); } // very rough calculation on text length function XoopsCheckLength(id, maxlength, currentLengthPhrase, maxLengthPhrase) { var mb_len_extra = 2; var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); var len = domobj.value.length; if (len > 50 * 1024) { len_current = " > 50K"; } else if (len > 30 * 1024) { len_current = " 30-50K"; } else if (len > 10 * 1024) { len_current = " 10-30K"; } else if (len > 5 * 1024) { len_current = " 5-10K"; } else if (len > 1 * 1024) { len_current = " 1-5K"; } else { len_current = len; for (var n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (domobj.value.charAt(n) > '~') { len_current += mb_len_extra; } } len_current = len_current + " bytes"; } var string = currentLengthPhrase.replace(/\%s/, len_current); if (maxlength > 0) string += ' [' + maxLengthPhrase + maxlength + ']'; alert(string); } function xoopsValidate(subjectId, textareaId, submitId, plzCompletePhrase, msgTooLongPhrase, allowedCharPhrase, currCharPhrase) { var maxchars = 65535; var subjectDom = xoopsGetElementById(subjectId); var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(textareaId); var submitDom = xoopsGetElementById(submitId); if (textareaDom.value == "" || subjectDom.value == "") { if (plzCompletePhrase == null) { plzCompletePhrase = "Please complete the subject and message fields."; } alert(plzCompletePhrase); return false; } if (maxchars != 0) { if (textareaDom.value.length > maxchars) { if (msgTooLongPhrase == null) { msgTooLongPhrase = "Your message is too long."; } if (allowedCharPhrase == null) { allowedCharPhrase = "Allowed max chars length: "; } if (currCharPhrase == null) { currCharPhrase = "Current chars length: "; } alert(msgTooLongPhrase + "\n\n" + allowedCharPhrase + maxchars + "\n" + currCharPhrase + textareaDom.value.length + ""); textareaDom.focus(); return false; } else { submitDom.disabled = true; return true; } } else { submitDom.disabled = true; return true; } } // AJAX code for preview var form_area_id; var http_request = false; function makeRequest(area_id, url, arg, method) { http_request = false; form_area_id = area_id; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (http_request.overrideMimeType) { http_request.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } } } if (!http_request) { alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance'); return false; } if (!method || method != 'POST') { method = 'GET'; } else { method = 'POST'; } http_request.onreadystatechange = alertContents;, url, true); if (method == 'POST') { //Send the proper header information along with the request http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", arg.length); //http_request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); } http_request.send(arg); } function alertContents() { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.status == 200) { document.getElementById(form_area_id + '_hidden_data').innerHTML = http_request.responseText; } else { alert(" Server Not Responding ... Please Try later "); } } } function form_checkserver(area_id) { if (!xdh_triggered[area_id]) { alert(" Ohh.. Server Not Responding ... Please Try later "); xoopsGetElementById(area_id + '_preview_button').disabled = false; document.getElementById(area_id + '_hidden_data').innerHTML = ""; xdh_triggered[area_id] = 1; } } function form_instantPreview(xoopsUrl, area_id, imgurl, doHtml, token) { var imgUrl = xoopsUrl + '/images/form'; var data = encodeURIComponent(xoopsGetElementById(area_id).value); var url_request = xoopsUrl + "/include/formdhtmltextarea_preview.php";//?text=" + data; var args = "text=" + data; if (doHtml) { args += '&html=' + doHtml; //url_request += '&html=' + doHtml; } args += '&token=' + token; makeRequest(area_id, url_request, args, 'POST'); // - Made ajax Hidden }