namespace RedBeanPHP;
use RedBeanPHP\SimpleModel as SimpleModel;
* TypedModel
* Just like the standard SimpleModel but allows for
* better type hinting in PHP 8 and higher.
* Usage:
* define( 'REDBEAN_MODEL_PREFIX', '\\' );
* R::setup();
* class Book extends \RedBeanPHP\TypedModel { }
* $book = R::dispense('book');
* $book = Book::cast($book);
* var_dump( $book ); -- and you'll see Book...
* @file RedBeanPHP/TypeModel.php
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Team
* @license BSD/GPLv2
* @copyright
* copyright (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class TypedModel extends SimpleModel
public static function cast($instance): static
return $instance->box();