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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Facade.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Facade.php
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namespace RedUNIT\Base;

RedUNIT\Base as Base;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
RedBeanPHP\AssociationManager as AssociationManager;
RedBeanPHP\ToolBox as ToolBox;
RedBeanPHP\Adapter as Adapter;
RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter as QueryWriter;
RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;

 * Facade
 * Tests the facade. The facade is a single class (often aliased with R)
 * that provides access to all (or most) RedBeanPHP functionality without
 * the need to interact with all the objects involved. The facade has
 * been designed to be as 'straightfoward' as possible, many methods
 * of the facade class should be 'almost identical' to simple calls
 * to objects behind the facade. This test focuses on basic usage
 * scenarios. Complex scenarios are tested in other suites because
 * we often test 'the complete route' as the facade code path always
 * includes the non-facade code path as well (as proven by the coverage numbers).
 * @file RedUNIT/Base/Facade.php
 * @desc Tests basic functions through facade.
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Facade extends Base
     * What drivers should be loaded for this test pack?
     * This pack contains some SQL incomp. with OCI
public function getTargetDrivers()
        return array(
'mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite', 'CUBRID' );

     * Tests quick trash method: R::trash( type, id ).
     * @return void
public function testQuickTrash()
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$id = R::store( $bean );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 );
R::trash( 'bean', $id );
asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 );

     * Test common Facade usage scenarios.
     * @return void
public function testCommonUsageFacade()
$toolbox = R::getToolBox();
$adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
$writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
$redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
$pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
$a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox );
asrt( R::getRedBean() instanceof OODB, TRUE );
asrt( R::getToolBox() instanceof ToolBox, TRUE );
asrt( R::getDatabaseAdapter() instanceof Adapter, TRUE );
asrt( R::getWriter() instanceof QueryWriter, TRUE );
$book = R::dispense( "book" );
asrt( $book instanceof OODBBean, TRUE );
$book->title = "a nice book";
$id = R::store( $book );
asrt( ( $id > 0 ), TRUE );
$book = R::load( "book", (int) $id );
asrt( $book->title, "a nice book" );
asrt( R::load( 'book', 999 )->title, NULL );
R::freeze( TRUE );
        try {
R::load( 'bookies', 999 );
        } catch (\
Exception $e ) {
R::freeze( FALSE );
$author = R::dispense( "author" );
$author->name = "me";
R::store( $author );
$book9 = R::dispense( "book" );
$author9 = R::dispense( "author" );
$author9->name = "mr Nine";
$a9 = R::store( $author9 );
$book9->author_id = $a9;
$bk9 = R::store( $book9 );
$book9 = R::load( "book", $bk9 );
$author = R::load( "author", $book9->author_id );
asrt( $author->name, "mr Nine" );
R::trash( $author );
R::trash( $book9 );
$book2 = R::dispense( "book" );
$book2->title = "second";
R::store( $book2 );
$book3 = R::dispense( "book" );
$book3->title = "third";
R::store( $book3 );
asrt( count( R::find( "book" ) ), 3 );
asrt( count( R::findAll( "book" ) ), 3 );
asrt( count( R::findAll( "book", " LIMIT 2" ) ), 2 );
asrt( count( R::find( "book", " id=id " ) ), 3 );
asrt( count( R::find( "book", " title LIKE ?", array( "third" ) ) ), 1 );
asrt( count( R::find( "book", " title LIKE ?", array( "%d%" ) ) ), 2 );
// Find without where clause
asrt( count( R::findAll( 'book', ' order by id' ) ), 3 );
R::trash( $book3 );
R::trash( $book2 );
asrt( count( R::getAll( "SELECT * FROM book " ) ), 1 );
asrt( count( R::getCol( "SELECT title FROM book " ) ), 1 );
asrt( (int) R::getCell( "SELECT 123 " ), 123 );
$book = R::dispense( "book" );
$book->title = "not so original title";
$author = R::dispense( "author" );
$author->name = "Bobby";
R::store( $book );
$aid = R::store( $author );
$author = R::findOne( "author", " name = ? ", array( "Bobby" ) );