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File: ChangeLog.txt

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  Classes of Norbert Kiszka   PHP HTTP object client   ChangeLog.txt   Download  
File: ChangeLog.txt
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Change log
Class: PHP HTTP object client
Send HTTP requests and process responses
Author: By
Last change: v0.5.1 upload
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 3,003 bytes


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0.5.1 (08.06.2014) - [SECURITY] Added removing credentials when following Location header to another host name. - Fixed PATCH method. - Modified code that handles rarely used http methods to be more "user-friendly". - Fixed small but not important bugs - Added 0.5ms sleep into socket adapter when no new data is available. - Fixed how-to (missing benchmark image). - Added BTC donation address into how-to. - Lowered cache time in Resolver from 24h to 1h. 0.5 (18.05.2014) - All HTTP 1.1 methods are available for now. Only available before was: GET, POST, and PUT emulation with X-HTTP-Method-Override header (this last is still available in exacly same way). - Cookies now also handles missing max-age, comment and version properties (no "unknown property" warnings). - Much more better and safer cookie handling. - Now same cookie proxy is used on redirects (following Location). - Fixed bug: All data in requestData object (keeped internally in Http_Request) now is safe when we clone request object. Before that, calling prepare() (on sending) sets some headers and __clone() wouldn't get back originals. - Fixed some small but important bugs. - Added shortcuts in Http_Client class as static methods: get(), head(), post(), put(), delete() - returning instance of Http_Response. get_(), post_(), put_(), delete_() - returning http response body (string). - Added Http_Request::setCookieProxy() - DATA_METHOD_RAW is now renamed to the DATA_METHOD_POST_RAW (Http_Request). - Added comma-separated "multi cookie" Set-Cookie header handling - Personally, I dont know any browser which handles this, and any server who sends something like this. But now this lib handles it :) - Added optional dropping of session cookies (manually by calling Http_Cookie_Handler::dropSessionCookies() or on php exiting - this last can be enabled/disabled by Http_Settings). - Added many exception throws and php warnings (trigger_error()) :) Offcourse only when needed. - Incremented default stream adapter timeout from 20 to 60 seconds. - Updated libraries. - Added Http_Client history logs (txt in two formats and one serialized) - managed in Http_Settings. History handler class name is Http_Client_History - Implemented basic http authentication (by url: http://login:pass@host/path or by Http_Url->setUser() and Http_Url->setPass()). But without caching credentials. On redirects, credentials are kept. - Added getTimeSent() (get precious time when all of request was wroted to the socket) and getTimeReceived() (get precious time when response was readed from a socket) - getLastRead() is now renamed to the getLastReadTime(). And added alias of it as getTimeOfLastRead(). - getLastWrite() is now renamed to the getLastWriteTime(). And added alias of it as getTimeOfLastWrite(). - Now works with the internationalized domain names (IDN). Domain names are converted from utf8 to the IDNA. 0.4 (21.04.2014) First public version