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File: class.array.php

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  Classes of benjamin RICHARD   Array Manipulation   class.array.php  
File: class.array.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class
Class: Array Manipulation
Manipulate data in array entries
Author: By
Last change: This is the last changes so there won't be anymore.
Finally, even if i consider that's an important mistake to use a mixed associated/indexed array, i allow the fact to manage this possibility.
So with the constructor, you can specify if you work with an indexed array (default) or if you work with an associated array. In this last case, the modification (move element, delete, insert) won't have any impact on the keys.
If you want to re-indexed an associated array (and so delete the keys) you just have to use the constructor as if you used an indexed array.
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 9,757 bytes

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